Most Popular Best Free Blog Hosting Sites List 2014

Here is a list of Best Free Blog Hosting Sites that can be used to publish your content for free. Blog may be a terribly essential service that enables users to quickly share info, like news, reviews, blogs, journals, weblogs, diaries, and photos. Blog hosting is wherever you will publish info instantly on your web site and customize your diary to suit your temperament.

You may host your own blog with paid hosting or host your own blog with free blog hosting site. Free blog hosting sites has become a lot of popular and a lot of user friendly with straightforward style that build it easy for you to share your interests and obtain detected.

Here is that the list of some popular free blog hosting sites where you’ll be able to host your blog for free of charge while not outlay any cash. Check the list of blog hosting sites below and share your opinion.

  • Blogger: Blogger is best free blog hosting site especially for beginners and it leads the most popular blog hosting sites list. It has very less complex and user friendly interface. This service is run by Google. You can also set your own custom domain name. You can also give your blog a beautiful look with available lots of free blogger templates. Blogger is hosted on super fast and super secure servers. If you are a beginner then you should start your first blog with blogger.

  • WordPress: is another one of very popular free blog hosting sites. WordPress has lots of features. They have tried to make wordpress user friendly but it may be complex for absolute beginners. WordPress has lots of free plugins to power up it’s features without a single piece of coding. WordPress has also a very big directory of lots of free themes. You can also upgrade for their premium services.

  • Jux: Jux is not a blogging site but it is micro blogging site. It’s is one best designed free blog sites. You can share your content with jux easily. Jux has stunning design. Just create free account and start sharing your content at once. Jux may be best option for you if you are planning to sharing photos and artworks. It is one of best free micro blogging sites.

  • Tumblr: tumblr is micro blogging site with full of features. It has a new feature like audio blogging if you want to share music. Tumblr provides you lot’s of blogging themes to make your blog beautiful. You can integrate Google analytics and feedburner with tumblr easily. Tumblr also supports custom domain name.

  • Blogetery: blogetery is a wordpress powered free blog site that includes some more features than It is popular in free blog hosting sites list because of its extended features. Its directory provides about 140 themes and 40 plugins. They will place ads on your free blog. If you upgrade for paid account then you can get rid of ads and also get some more themes and plugins. With premium account get added 5GB of storage space. They give you 75% of ads revenue. So you can earn some money with your free blog.

  • Blog: is one of best free blog hosting sites which run on wordpress but you get some extended features from You get lots of premium themes and plugins in your free blog account. You will get 2GB storage space. They will place lots of ads on your blog. You have to upgrade for premium account to remove those ads.

  • EduBlogs: edublogs runs on wordpress platform, as it’s name it is a educational blog provider. You can run host you blog for free  with EduBlogs. Main downside is that it provide only 32MB space for your free blog. You have to pay lot more for extended space and features.

  • TypePad Micro: Type Pad is a free blog hosting service but with very less features to survive. It premium plan starts from $8.95 so it may be a costly one.

Some other free blog sites:

Final Words: These were the best free blog hosting sites that i came across. I hope you can easily make your free blog site with any of these.  I would recommend blogger as best free blog hosting site because it will not limit you, not force you to upgrade means they have free account only. Tell do you like any of above free blog sites?

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